DA CALCULATOR w.e.f. 01-01-2015








    Under Central Government Rules, a Government servant can draw advance in respect of the journey proposed to be performed under the Leave Travel Concession scheme by himself and/or by members of his family 60 days before the proposed date of the outward journey. He should however produce railway cash receipts within ten days of the drawl of the advance to the competent authority to show that he has actually utilized the amount to purchase tickets. These orders are applicable to All India Service officers also, who are governed by the Central Rules.

    The Central Government have decided that in the case of Leave Travel Concession to visit any place in India (other than home town), once in a block of four years, the reimbursement of fare may be allowed for the entire distance both ways without any deduction in respect of the first 400/160 km as at present . Leave Travel Concession to home town shall also be admissible irrespective of the distance between the headquarters of the Government Servant and his home-town once in a block of two calendar years.


    1.  He should ensure that his home town is correctly indicated in his service records. Otherwise he should   take action to have his home town entered therein.
    2. Whenever he intends to avail of the concession under this scheme, he should inform the Controlling Officer before commencement of the journeys.
    3. When he intends to avail of the concession to visit “anywhere in India” by himself or by any member(s) of his family, he should declare the intended place of visit to the Controlling Officer. The official and / or member(s) of the family must visit the place to become eligible for reimbursement of the claim.
    4.  If there is any change in the intended place of visit, he should intimate the same to the Controlling Officer before the commencement of the journey.
    5.  He should produce evidence of his having actually performed the journey, for example, serial numbers of Railway tickets, etc.
    6. If he takes an advance under this scheme, he should ensure that the outward journey is commenced within 30 days from the date of grant of the advance, or refund the full advance. In case of journeys by rail, advance can be drawn sixty days before the proposed date of outward journey. In all cases, Railway/Bus tickets should be produced within ten days of drawl of the advance.
    7. He should see that half the advance is refunded if the period of absence exceeds 90 days.
    8. He should prefer the bills adjusting the advance taken within one month from the completion of the return journey. In all cases, the claim will stand forfeited or deemed to have been relinquished if the same is not preferred within three months of the return journey.


    1. A record of all assistance granted under the scheme should be maintained. Entries should be made in the service books indicating the dates of commencement of the outward journey.
    2. He should maintain, for his own convenience, a register of home town in respect of the staff under his control.
    3. Relaxations of a minor nature, i.e. prior intimation of journey can be waive off  by the Head of Department in genuine cases.
    4. He should keep a watch over the position of outstanding advances paid up to the end of the previous month and issue necessary orders  Earned Leave Encashment Facility. 
    • Earned Leave up to a maximum of ten days at a time may be enchased.
    • Employee can avail LTC after availing any kind of leave due i.e. casual leave/earned leave/Half Pay leave/Special E.L etc.
    • This is limited to a maximum of 60 days during the entire career and the total number of days so enchased will not be included
    • The balance at credit should be but less than 30 days after deducting the total of leave availed plus leave for which encashment was availed.
    • Where both husband and wife are government servants, encashment of leave will continue to be available to both, subject to maximum limit of 60 days.

    Block Year :-

    1. The LTC to home town is allowed once in a block of two calendar years, such as 2006-2007, 2008-2009 and so on
    2.   LTC to “Any Place in India” is allowed once in a block of four calendar years, such as 2006 – 2009 and so on.

    Family – definition…

    1. The Government servant’s wife or husband and two surviving unmarried children or stepchildren wholly dependent on the Government servant, irrespective of whether they are residing with the Government servant or not.
    2. Married daughters divorced, abandoned or separated from their husbands and widowed daughters and are residing with the Government servant and wholly dependent on the Government servant.
    3. Parents and / or step-parents (stepfather and stepmother) whole dependent on the Government servant, whether residing with the Government servant or not:
    4. Unmarried minor brothers as well as unmarried divorced abandoned, separated from their husbands or widowed sisters residing with and wholly dependent on the Government servant provided their parents are either not alive or are themselves wholly dependent on the Government servant.

    Husband and Wife…

    When both the husband and wife are Central Government servants:
    1. They can declare separate Home Town independently.
    2. They can claim LTC for their respective families, i.e.. While the husband can claim for his parents / minor brothers / sisters, the wife can avail for her parents / minor brother / sisters.
    3. Either of the parents can claim the concession for the children in a particular block;
    4. The husband / wife who avails LTC as a member of the family of the spouse, cannot claim independently for SELF.

    Change of Home Town…

    “The hometown once declared and accepted by the controlling officer shall be treated as final. In exceptional circumstances, the Head of the Department or if the Government servant himself is the Head of the Department, the Administrative Ministry, may authorize a change in such declaration provided that such a change shall not be made more than once during the service of a Government servant.”
    The CCS Rule allows an employee to change the Permanent Address given in their Service Records for once in their service.
    The employee can apply for this through their respective Head of Section enclosing the relationship and residential proof of the new address. Care to be taken before applying for the change of address as this facility will be available only once in their service. After changing the Permanent Address the employee is eligible to apply for Home Town LTC. For the benefit of these employees, a male employee can give the address of his wife’s native place and vice-versa.

    Leave Travel Concession Rules(LTC Travel) as per 6th CPC -
    (w.e.f. 01.09.2008)

    1. LTC Rules is allowed all Government servants irrespective of the distance between headquarters and their home town.
    2.  LTC Rules is allowed Hometown" means the town, village or any other place declared as such by the servant and accepted by the controlling officer.
    3. LTC Rules is allowed only to those who have completed one year of service on the date of journey.
    4. LTC Rules is allowed for self and family.
    5. LTC Rules is allowed only to the family (in the case of an employee under suspension).
    6. LTC Rules is allowed to journey to “Home Town” once in a block of two years.
    7. LTC Rules is allowed journey to “Any place in India” once in a block of four years.
    8. LTC Rules is allowed to expression "any place in India" will cover any place within the territory of India whether it is on the mainland, or overseas.
    9. LTC Rules is allowed journey to “Any place in India” in lieu of one journey to Home Town.
    10. LTC Rules is allowed availing during all leave periods (Earn/Casual/ S.Casual/Study/Maternity/Paternity).
    11. LTC Rules is allowed all journeys to travel by Rail/Road/Air/Ship.
    12. LTC Rules is allowed privilege not availed during a block may be availed before end of the next year.
    13. LTC Rules is allowed allow family members independently in any number of batches.
    14. LTC Rules is allowed traveling to “Any place in India” the employee and or members of the family may travel either to the same place or different places of their choice.
    15. LTC Rules is allowed traveling to visit “Any place in India” or can visit his same Home Town also.
    16. LTC Rules is allowed in the same two-year block, some members of family can avail Home Town concession while other “Any place in India”.
    17. LTC Rules is allowed reimbursement by the entitled class or actually traveled class, whichever is less.
    18. LTC Rules is allowed 90 per cent of the anticipated reimbursement amount may be granted as advance.
    19. LTC Rules is allowed Grade Pay holders of Rs.2400, 2600 and 2800 can go AC-II Tier class by train.
    20. LTC Rules is allowed Grade Pay holders of below Rs.2400 can go AC-III Tier / First Class / AC-Chair Car class by train.

      • admissible.

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